Botany I – Lesson 13

Lesson 13: Roses and Berries

Here are two very popular forms of dicots! Let’s learn more.
Bookwork: Draw a dicot.


1. How many species of roses are there?
2. What is the real name for what we typically call “thorns”?
3. What do some of the different colors of rose symbolize: red, pink, yellow, white, orange, purple?
4. What is the fruit of the rose called and what is it good for?
5. How many songs are dedicated to the honor of the rose?
6. How many roses does it take to make 1 drop of rose oil?
7. How much does 5 mL of rose oil costs?
8. What is a drupelet?
9. What are blackberries known as and why?
10. What does the term “bramble” mean?
11. How many different varieties are there of raspberries and which is known to be the sweetest?
12. What is the main difference between a raspberry and a blackberry?

Jacquelynn - Waldorf Middle School

Jacquelynn Kolenko


Waldorf education has been a passion of Jacquelynn’s for the past 20 years, both as a parent, and in her journey as a high school and classroom teacher in the private and public charter schools.