Mentoring, Consulting
And Tutoring
We offer personalized sessions for Teachers, Parents and Students.
When you request a session, the sequence will be:
Fill out the contact form below to receive an email. We will send you a link to our online questionnaire.
Based on your responses, you will receive an email within 3-5 business days. If we can help you, we will respond with a suggested session length and a link to our booking calendar.
Sign up for an available time slot and pay using either PayPal or credit card. Please specify whether you want to be reached either by video chat or phone. If you choose a phone session, provide the phone number we will need to reach you. If you choose a video chat we will send you a URL link to the video chat location
The day of your scheduled session, we will contact you.
Please note that all appointments must be made in U.S. Pacific Standard Time PST (UTC – 7) or Pacific Daylight Time PDT (UTC – 8). If calling from abroad, please make the necessary arrangements.

What We Offer
Mentoring Session
Understanding the elemental principles of Waldorf Education
Planning and organizing Main Lesson Blocks
Developing a healthy, daily rhythm in the classroom
Ideas for learning resources, materials and enhancement activities
Developing time for teacher inner work
Simplifying the classroom environment
Working with:
⁃ The festival seasons
⁃ Age diversity in groups
⁃ Children’s temperaments
⁃ Children with learning differences
Consulting Session
Understanding the elemental principles of Waldorf Education
Planning and organizing Main Lesson Blocks
Developing a healthy, daily rhythm in the household
Ideas for learning resources, materials and enhancement activities
Developing time for parent inner work
Simplifying the home environment
Working with:
⁃ Teacher report writing
⁃ Classroom challenges
⁃ Classroom parents
Tutoring Session
Language Arts: Reading and Writing
Main Lesson Work
Homework Efficiency
Computer Literacy
Human Rights Education
Language Arts: Reading and Writing
The Arts: Visual and Performance
Foreign Languages: Spanish and Italian
Sciences: Chemistry, Biology and Physics
Study Skills
Class Plays
Computer Literacy
Human Rights Education

For Services
Mentoring and Consulting
for Teachers and Parents
* $46 per half hour
* $80 per hour
Tutoring for Students
* $60 per hour
What People Say
“As a professional colleague of Jacquelynn’s over the last several years, it is with earnestness that I comment how her skill set as a teacher is uncanny and unparalleled in many respects. A dedicated artist and teacher herself, Jacquelynn can employ not only technical aspects to all areas of learning, but can also do so with grace, artistry, and understanding for the child’s developmental tendencies. I would give an enthusiastic ‘yes’ to anyone considering her educational services.”
Waldorf Class Teacher
“My oldest daughter was a student in Jacquelynn’s first Waldorf class. I still remember the excitement my daughter had when the chalkboard drawing was going to be revealed the next day at school! Jacquelynn’s creativity, sense of humor and love of teaching was present daily in her interactions with her students, meeting the children at every age and developmental marker from first to eighth grade. This year our youngest daughter will be entering the fifth grade. We have homeschooled her using a Waldorf approach for the past few years by finding online resources, books and resources from our local library. We are so excited to have the expertise of Jacquelynn to guide us through the upper grades. This is exactly what we have been looking for to enhance our homeschooling curriculum!”
Waldorf Homeschool Mom
Nurse Educator
“Thank you so much for teaching me most everything I know, from math to Main Lesson and the art. I don’t know how you take care of 29 kids and are so nice to all of them.
This year, I have learned the most I have every learned thanks to you!
P.S. I will also make sure to recycle!!”
Student Alumnus
Ready to get started?
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