Botany I – Lesson 16

Lesson 16: The Water Cycle

Did you know that our planet is 3/4 water?! Though you may not know it, water is in constant motion. This is called the water cycle!

Bookwork: Draw and label the inside of a tree trunk. Also write a few sentences about a few facts about trees that stands out to you. Have your family member correct your writing before transferring it onto your Main Lesson page.


1. What fraction of the earth is water?
2. Is water ever really standing still?
3. What is the process of evaporation?
4. What is the process of condensation?
5. What is the process of precipitation?

Extra Credit Bookwork for the following day: Draw a picture of a landscape along side the shore of a lake or ocean with a few rain clouds. Label the water cycle

Jacquelynn - Waldorf Middle School

Jacquelynn Kolenko


Waldorf education has been a passion of Jacquelynn’s for the past 20 years, both as a parent, and in her journey as a high school and classroom teacher in the private and public charter schools.