Language Arts

Independent Project Research Paper

Due Friday, April 3:  8th Grade Independent Project Research Paper

*4-5 Pages MLA Format which should include:

*Bibliography siting ALL sources

*History of your subject, and its evolution to its current status in 2nd Person Perspective (IN YOUR OWN WORDS – NO plagiarizing, please).  

NOTE:  Get as finite as possible.  For example, Moshe’s project is “The Construction of a Dinghy Boat.”  Therefore, it is not recommended that he do his paper on the history of boats, but on dinghy boats specifically.  If you have any questions and/or need help with this, please contact me.  

***Please upload as a word.doc as to allow for editing.

Try Grammerly to help you with your editing process 

Independent Project Video

Due to extenuating circumstances, your 8th Grade projects will not be carried out in the traditional setting of a Waldorf school. I do realize that working within the “shelter in place” mandate has proved it difficult for some of you to finish your project, which is a requirement to graduate YRCS. Here are the expectations that remain:

1. Research Paper – A 4-5 page MLA research paper on your topic including a bibliography due on Friday, April 3.

This should include the history of your study, its evolution to its current status; i.e. Photography: From camera obscura to the i-phone.

2. Video Presentation – A 3 -5 minute video of your speech, due Thursday, May 28. to be uploaded to the website purview your classmates. Your speech should be should be clear, organized and easy to follow. Video of speech should include:

A. What your project is and why you chose it.
B. Who your mentor was, why you chose him/her, and how it was working with him/her.
C. Describe your process: the challenges and the successes, and the cumulative hours spent on your project.
D. If not completed due to the “shelter in place” mandate, what are your intentions in completing your project.
E. A visual demonstration of your project.
F. Three Testimonials – You will need to prove that 3 people outside of classmates and family members have viewed your video by quoting them on your process of yourproject. Please include these quotes in your video as well as tell who they are in relation to you. For example, “Jasper’s designs are original and creative. It is clear that he put a great deal of time into his project ~ Mr. Jones, neighbor.

NOTE: Your parents will need to sign off on these testimonials.

DUE:  Friday, May 29

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. K via email.